Pulau Ubin Wilderness

One of the best place to see wildlife in Singapore is Pulau Ubin!  Pulau Ubin is an off-shore island about 10 minutes boat ride from Singapore.  It is situated in the north east of Singapore. It is probably one of the last place to experience rural life living in Singapore.  There are still a few villages left on the island.

Map of Pulau Ubin 

It is easier to see some species of animals at Pulau Ubin compared to mainland Singapore. These animals include the Common Palm Civet, Wild Boar. It is also where Greater Mousedeer can be found.  If you are lucky, you may come across a pangolin too.  

Wild Boar along the beach
Common Palm Civet can be quite common at Pulau Ubin.  But they are active by night.
Pulau Ubin is the one place in Singapore where Greater Mousedeer is found

Pouched Tomb Bat can be found roosting in roof attics.

Pangolin hiding behind a tree.

Oriental Whip Snake - One of the common snakes found at Pulau Ubin 

How to get there?

Hire a taxi to Changi Village Jetty and get on to a bumboat to get to Pulau Ubin. Each bumboat can carry 12 passengers and typically the boatman will wait till there are 12 passengers before he set off. Each ride is SGD 2.50.  The last bumboat back to mainland Singapore is around dusk time.  

Where to Stay?

Celestial Resort is the only accommodation available at Pulau Ubin.  It is a resort targeted more for the local people who wants a break from the city life.  As Pulau Ubin is a rural area, there is nothing much you can do after dusk. If you are a tourist, I would not encourage staying over at the island unless you are serious about spotting wildlife at night.

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